Data access | Marinevre

ARMS-MBON: Data Access

ARMS-MBON: Data Access Data Explorer - Monitoring Station Data Data Explorer - Monitoring Station Data

This is one of the thematic portals within the RShiny Data Explorer. Data Explorer - Zooplankton Data Explorer - Zooplankton

This is one of the thematic portals within the RShiny Data Explorer.

This portal gives access to the biodiversity data on zooplankton groups collected during monthly and seasonal campaigns with the RV Simon Stevin, as part of the Flemish LifeWatch Marine Observatory. Data Explorer - Marine Mammals Data Explorer - Marine Mammals

This is one of the thematic portals within the RShiny Data Explorer.

ASSEMBLE Plus Long-Term Environmental Datasets

ASSEMBLE Plus datasets collection

Ocean Sampling Day: Data Access

Ocean Sampling Day: Data Access

worrms R package

worrms R package

The rOpenSci worrms package is a R client for the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS).

worrms is one of the R packages that the rOpenSci taxize package builds on.

ETN R package

ETN R package

This package provides functionality to access and process data from the European Tracking Network (ETN) database hosted by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) as part of the Flemish contribution to LifeWatch.

ETN data is subject to the ETN data policy and can be:

RShiny LifeWatch Data Explorer

RShiny LifeWatch Data Explorer

This interactive online tool gives access to all sensor data collected in the framework of the Flemish LifeWatch project, and provides an interface to explore and analyze these data. Some of the more recent data is temporarily under moratorium and therefore protected by password access.


Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources (iMarine)

iMarine is an open and collaborative initiative aimed at supporting the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management and the conservation of living marine resources.